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How do I link my domain to my 4ormat portfolio?

[2 Grey Star Level]

I would like to use the domain i bought ( with 4ormat instead of WordPress, but I don’t know how to do it. Is there a way to link the pre-created 4ormat portfolio with the domain?
Thanks for helping 😀

Answer #1

In looking at the 4ormat application, it appears that this is something that requires you use their domain name, rather than your own. I am unable to locate any information on how to use your own domain with this – you may want to contact their support team about this.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

They show a tutorial on how to do it, but it is not with Site5 and since every domain registrar is different, i can’t follow it (it is with Namecheap and shouldn’t be so different, but I am kinda slow with this stuff haha). I just discovered you can have them do it for you or at least try to help you though, so that is what I did and I am waiting on their reply- Thanks a lot for answering!

Answers Answered By: juliapuig [2 Grey Star Level]

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