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Is Podcast MP3 or File Hosting allowed on a VPS account?

I already have a VPS2 account with Site5, and I am looking to move several dozen of my podcast files (in MP3 format) from another web host over to Site5. Is this allowed, as long as I do not exceed file storage or bandwidth limitations? I anticipate that it will be far, far less than either of the limitations. But there would still be hundreds or even thousands of downloads per new podcast episode as they are released, and they should be in the neighborhood of being 50 to 80MB each. I wanted to ask before I would get penalized if this was frowned upon or was against usage policy. Thank you.

Answer #1

Hi Scott,

I see no reason why these would be an issue. As long as you are fully in compliance with the policies at, and you are the owner of all content in these podcasts, there should be no reason why these would not be allowed.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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