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addon domain wordpress staging server

[2 Grey Star Level]

I have a wordpress site based at site5. I would like to create a staging server where I could try out scripts and plugins before going live. I have a few questions

1) I believe the addon domain is installed at public_html/ – does therefore have to have been previously registered for it to be usable or could I just put in the browser

2) Is it a one click install to install a second wordpress in the addon domain (creating therefore another wordpress database and all the assocated files)?

3) how does one go about migrating/exporting the live site to the addon domain version

Answer #1

Adding a second WordPress installation is a good idea for testing and developing a new site. Using an addon domain is a popular way of doing this, though there are quite a few steps to it. For your specific questions:

1 – you are correct regarding the folder placement, and that you would need to register the domain for it to really work. You could use a subdomain, which can be set up without registering a new domain, and get the same effect. A subdomain is something like:

2 – it is a one-click install, the same as installing it on your main domain. When installing, you just need to specify the site you want it installed to.

3 – this is the most complicated part, but WordPress has a detailed article on this in their Codex, at Please be sure to read every step before starting, and let us know if you have any questions. Our support team is quite familiar with this process, and are more than happy to help.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

I have created the subdomain – was about to install wordpress to it – but there was no indication in the backstage area that I was definitely installing it into the subdomain, and not overwriting what was in the main domain. If I click on the “install wordpress” button, will it give me an option as to which domain I am writing to?

Thanks for your help so far


Answers Answered By: stiv [2 Grey Star Level]

Answer #3

Hi Steve,

The first step of the install process will ask you to identify the domain you would like to install to. As long as you select the subdomain, you’ll be good to go.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #4

Hi Steve,

For a staging server, first of all, I would suggest you to use GIT. Put your entire project into a git repository. There are plenty of git servers on the internet. I recommend Github (free for no-private repositories) and Bitbucket (free for single user). After that, you may create an account in This application deploys you code into the server. You should do this: configure the production server deployer and set the deployment to manual. Then, configure the staging server deployer and set the deployment to automatic. The result is: when you commit your code to git, it will appear automagically in you staging server. When everything is allright, you can click on the deploy button of the production server deployer at and deploy your project live!

Answers Answered By: Senoweb [2 Grey Star Level]

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