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How do I “compress all content” in order to Optimize a website?

[2 Grey Star Level]

Other hosting companies in the cPanel under Software/Services have an icon called “Website Optimization”. This is where you can “compress all content”.
This speeds up WordPress Websites.

I could not find this on my HostPro + Turbo plan.
Is there another way to do this or is there a reason you don’t have this?


Answer #1

Hi Glenn,

We made the decision to not provide this tool mainly because it automates the process of changing customer code, which we find can lead to issues. As well, it is not a reliable tool, and causes undue strain on the server when run.

Instead, we have the following article on our knowledgebase, which details steps you can take to get much the same results, with less risk:

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

Thanks James,

Does this mean gzip causes a strain on the server?
Was given the below link after I posted the question.


Answers Answered By: websales [2 Grey Star Level]

Answer #3

It can, if overused. We do have a KB article detailing Gzip compression, separate from an automated tool, though. I believe I mentioned it in response to your comment on the KB article on optimization, but will post it here, as well:

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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