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Is there a way to do automatic backups?

[3 Grey Star Level]

I couldn’t find a way to do automatic backups of my site. Is there a way to do automatic backups?

Answer #1


I hope this comment finds you well!

While there is no built in way to preform automated backups, you can however use scripts or 3rd party tools to accomplish this.

You may find the following two article helpful in your venture…

Also, we make every effort we can to keep roughly up to 7 days’ worth of backups for all of our shared services, but they cannot be guaranteed. However, if you opt-in to the service, we do offer guaranteed backups on our VPS product line.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reply here. I would be more than happy to answer your questions.

Answers Answered By: joliver [476 Blue Star Level]

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