how to cancle credit card bind with site5 account?
how to cancle credit card bind with site5 account?
WP forms not sending emails?
My installation of WordPress hosted on Site5 has suddenly stopped sending emails generating by NinjaForms. Help? Thanks!
addon domain wordpress staging server
I have a wordpress site based at site5. I would like to create a staging server where I could try out scripts and plugins before going live. I have a few questions 1) I believe the addon domain is...
incoming/outgoing server help
how find incoming server host name and password
How can I get the version of CentOS upgraded to support PHP 5.5+?
According to the following commands ssh'd into my server: cat /etc/redhat-release /usr/local/php52/bin/php -v /usr/local/php53/bin/php -v /usr/local/php54/bin/php -v My server is running the following...
How To Redirect Your Domain To A Subfolder Using .htaccess
I'm new to wordpress and the codex redirected me to the above page on your site. I have read it but can't figure out how to comment on that page so I'm asking my question here. I changed my .htaccess...
For Backup, how do I export and then Import distribution list.
I have created several very big contact list in my address book. I can export these list, but if I try to import them, they always replace my address book, not the selected list. Is there a way to mass...
Groups in Mediawiki
We recently installed a new Mediawiki version and all their associated components. Mediawiki - 1.23.1 AccessControlExtension - 2.1 We noticed that some features didnt't work, specifically in what...
how can i activate rss feeds using joomla 3.3??
how can i activate rss feeds using joomla 3.3??
WordPress Username
Hi, I just installed Word Press on my website but don't seem to be able to log in. I've entered both the email address I use for this site and the username "SCasey" that I am currently writing to you...
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