Cron Jobs
Cron job for backup
How can I setup a cron job that runs a complete backup?
Cron job to unzip file on server at specified interval
Hi, I would like to create a CRON job which automatically unzips a file at a given location on our server at a particular time each day. The file will be located at the same location, but will have...
How often are automatic backups done?
I'd like to know how Site5 handles automatic backups of websites. How often is it done? Are there limitations? What does a user need to do? Are there options available to users?
How do I delete a cron job?
Having set up several cron jobs, how do I delete one of them?
How do I setup a cron job?
I'd like to automate, on schedule, a specific task. Suppose every Wednesday at 2am I want to copy a given file from one location to another on my server. How would I go about doing that using a cron job?
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