I was wondering what site5’s rate limits on MySQL servers are.
Connections/Queries per day, week, month etc.
We don’t limit based on day/week/month, and as long as usage is fair to everyone else on the server, there won’t ever be limits like that 🙂
Currently, here are the MySQL limits for a server :
max_connections = 512 max_user_connections = 25 wait_timeout = 300 max_connect_errors = 5 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
And those vary depending on the server/VPS as we tweak everything depending on hardware and environment too.
We are constantly making adjustments as well, Thanks, Ben
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Answer #1
We don’t limit based on day/week/month, and as long as usage is fair to everyone else on the server, there won’t ever be limits like that 🙂
Currently, here are the MySQL limits for a server :
max_connections = 512
max_user_connections = 25
wait_timeout = 300
max_connect_errors = 5
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50