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Addon Domains

[2 Grey Star Level]

I have a domain registered with and want to adminster it on Site5 as an addon domain, to create a separate website from my main website.

Can I do this, and if so how?

Answer #1

Yes, you should be able to do this. The only reason you could not would be if you had a HostBasic plan with us, as that does not allow for extra domains. On HostPro, you can use the Addon Domains icon to create the separate site. If you have HostPro+Turbo, you can create it as an Addon Domain to an existing site, or as a subaccount using your MultiAdmin interface.

In each case, you would want to set the nameservers on the new domain to ours, so the domain will resolve to us.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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