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My site is available with ‘www’ but not without. How do I make it available without as well?

[2 Grey Star Level]

I want my site to be available both with “” and “”

Is this something that I can configure via site5 or is it something that I set up at my domain registrar?

Sorry, new to this.

Answer #1


If you are using our domain name servers (also known as DNS – &, it should work with and without “www.” automatically. However, if you are not using our DNS servers, you will need to create an “A” record for the primary domain (sometimes referred to by registrars as @). Without knowing where your domain is currently pointed, it can be difficult to provide the correct steps in this situation. Because of this, I recommend that you contact our support team either via Backstage, or by any of the methods found at the following link.

Happy Hosting!

Answers Answered By: joliver [476 Blue Star Level]

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