The process is pretty straightforward. Once a domain name expires, it will no longer resolve to your website. You have a short window where you can renew it at your regular price, usually a week or two. Once that window passes, the domain enters Redemption status. Only you can reclaim it from redemption, but at a significantly higher cost. Redemption lasts three months, after which the domain name is full released, allowing anyone to register it again.
Answer #1
The process is pretty straightforward. Once a domain name expires, it will no longer resolve to your website. You have a short window where you can renew it at your regular price, usually a week or two. Once that window passes, the domain enters Redemption status. Only you can reclaim it from redemption, but at a significantly higher cost. Redemption lasts three months, after which the domain name is full released, allowing anyone to register it again.