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Proper configuration for hosting email / website on site5 and domain on BlueHost?

[2 Grey Star Level]

I have a domain, owned by a client that is registered on BlueHost. I currently have the domain nameservers pointing site5’s nameservers. That part is good. However I also need to setup email accounts, using that domain, but hosting the email on sit5 as well.

Answer #1


As long as you have a hosting account with us – which you would need to have the site load – you have the option to create email addresses on that domain. Within SiteAdmin, simply click on Email Accounts icon, and create your email address there.

Since the nameservers are pointing to us, nothing extra needs to be done to get your mail working, other than configuring a mail client to retrieve it. You can learn how to set this up at

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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