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Domain name doesn’t work for FTP login.

[2 Grey Star Level]

The domain name I registered won’t work when I put it into the “Host” field in FileZilla, but when I copy & paste the IP address of the server and input that into the “Host” field, I’m able to log in. Whenever I put in my domain name, it says it’s connecting to a different IP address. I registered the name on and am using site5 to host it. Is it because I recently registered the name or do I have to do something like transfer the domain to site5?

Answer #1

You do not have to transfer the domain name to us, no. You will need to make sure the nameservers are directing traffic to us, though. You should have received this information in your hosting welcome letter, but we can send it again if you request it via Live Chat.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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