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Trying to link Sandvox to upload webpages

[2 Grey Star Level]

I am trying to set up the website authoring tool Sandvox to link to my webspace on Site5 (
Sandvox tries a test folder creation, file upload and file download.
It successfully creates a folder (I chose Sandvox), uploads a file, but then cannot download that file. On reporting the error downloading it successfully deletes the test html file it uploaded. What is going wrong here? Thanks

Answer #1

I am sorry to hear of the troubles. What is the error you are getting with the download? The program is obviously connecting correctly, and there are no restrictions on the server that should prevent a download like this.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

Thank you for answering – the error I get reported by Sandvox is:
Unable to download file from URL: xxxx.html
Server returned error code 404

Is it because the directory I asked Sandvox to put the test file in was outside of /home/lifelink/public_html ?
Thanks again – its been a long time since I did this stuff!

Answers Answered By: oldparson [2 Grey Star Level]

Answer #3

Generally a 404 error is caused by a few things – either the filename is wrong, or the file being asked for is not in the location you’re looking. This is likely due to what you suspect – the test file is outside public_html 🙂

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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