WordPress Username
Hi, I just installed Word Press on my website but don't seem to be able to log in. I've entered both the email address I use for this site and the username "SCasey" that I am currently writing to you...
PHP showing source code when run and not the actual display page.
Dear Sir / Madam, I have installed WAMP server with PHP Designer 7 software. When I run a .PHP page I get no error, but it displays the source code and not the actual display page. Do you know...
Ticket number.
Where do I find the ticket number.
Knowledge Base
Is it possible to purchase the KB? Thanks, Ron
Host records, server IP vs NameServers
I use a registrar that provides tlds not available with site5 (.ca, for example). Once I have registered those domain names I have to point the domains host records to my site5 web hosting account(s). Typically,...
Can I run Java jsp pages on shared hosting?
Can I upload and run .jsp pages from my shared hosting account. Thanks Todd
Is it possible to install Trac (Python based) on Site5.
I would like to install Trac (Python) based project management and issue tracking tool. Has anyone managed to do this?
Is it possible to install Spinx search engine?
I have a rails 2.3.X version project configured with Spinx search engine. Is it possible to host it with site5? if so do you have any guidelines for implementation? Let me know if you have any suggestions...
SyncML (ActiveSync) setup in Horde
Horde seems to support SyncML (a taste of ActiveSync) to sync calendar and contacts. In the standard Horde setup made in managed hostings there is a section providing reports about connections to the...
Where does the password go?
This might be a dumb question, but I am trying to figuring out where on my website I am supposed to enter the password site5 gave me. The email says to change it immediately for security reasons but I...