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I need PHP 5.6 for a specific WordPress plug in

[2 Grey Star Level]

I read on another Q&A that PHP 5.6 is not available and that WordPress will run on the currently supported version of 5.4. I have a plugin for WordPress that requires 5.6.

Is site5 running that far behind on sw versions? I’m not a really technical person and I need my WordPress site to function and I need to be able to use certain plugins.

I’d hate to think that I need to start searching for another hosting provider.

When is Site5 going to support PHP 5.6?


Answer #1


There are plans to upgrade, but no specific timeframe for this. If 5.6 is needed, then an unmanaged VPS would be required.

Most plugins should work fine with 5.4, however – I would suggest you contact our support team to see what we can do for you.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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