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RapidSSL not fully supported?

[2 Grey Star Level]

I installed rapidSSL certificate but your server software is outdated. While checking the installation, my browser says that connection on https is not secure. Moreover, these are the flaws after installing the SSL.
The BEAST attack is not mitigated on this server.
This server uses the RC4 cipher algorithm which is not secure. Disable the RC4 cipher suite and update the server software to support the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher algorithm. Contact your web server vendor for assistance.
This server does not support the latest TLS protocol. Enable the latest TLS1.2 protocol. Contact your web server vendor for further assistance.

Answer #1


Our SSL installations should work normally, and be completely secure. I would suggest contacting our support team with this information, so we can look into this and get it resolved for you.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

I contacted support.
Here is the answer – Unfortunately TLS 1.2 is not available on our servers at this time. We do plan to offer it at a future date but do not have any estimated date for when this will be available.

You are using TLS 1.2 and AED on server where Site5 SSL is installed but not providing the same to clients.

Answers Answered By: Ashok [2 Grey Star Level]

Answer #3


That is correct, but the SSL certificate installed on your account is still secure. There are some changes in the protocol in 1.2, and we are working to implement that as described, but your data and your connection is still secured vis SSL.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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