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How do we add a SSL cert to our admin site?

[2 Grey Star Level]

I will have a cert issued to us ( and need to know the specifics of installing it. Looks like we log onto our admin page and can have support walk us through the process. Becasue i need to tie the cert out to our domain name, I need to be very speciific when requesting it. generally they are for a specific server name, but not sure in this case. also, is there a charge for us to do this since we are providing the certificate?

Answer #1

You can request the install via Backstage at > Addons > SSL Certificate Installation. There’s a onetime $15 charge for the installation and renewals are free.

Answers Answered By: alicursi [22 Grey Star Level]

Answer #2

not an answer to the question, but i want to clarify the name i need to have on our cert since they are usually tied into a server name. thanks, GR

Answers Answered By: itadmincofg [2 Grey Star Level]

Answer #3

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking to confirm what domain name to use.

I would recommend that you use “”. You can then use an .htaccess file to redirect all non-www requests to use www.

I hope this information was helpful. If you have any other questions, please just let us know.

Answers Answered By: joliver [476 Blue Star Level]

Answer #4

I wanted to take a moment and follow up by letting you know that in addition to supporting 3rd party SSL certificate providers, we now offer SSL certificates directly from within Backstage. We hope that this move will make it easier and more convenient for our users to add security to their website(s).

For more detailed information regarding this change, please feel free to read our blog post on the subject…

You can also find more information about the new SSLs by clicking the following link…

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment on that blog post, or, if you would prefer, you can contact our support department directly by opening a ticket through Backstage.

As always, happy hosting!

Answers Answered By: joliver [476 Blue Star Level]

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