If you are using SpamAssassin, we recommend that you check the settings and/or try whitelisting the email you are expecting messages from. For more information on how to do this, please see the following link.
If you have already checked the settings, or you are not using SpamAssassin, we ask that you open a ticket with our support team so we can check if the blocked message is coming from an email that is on our internal blacklist.
Answer #1
If you are using SpamAssassin, we recommend that you check the settings and/or try whitelisting the email you are expecting messages from. For more information on how to do this, please see the following link.
If you have already checked the settings, or you are not using SpamAssassin, we ask that you open a ticket with our support team so we can check if the blocked message is coming from an email that is on our internal blacklist.