Do you allow forex sites?
Are forex sites allowed on Site5's servers?
Do you allow adult content on your servers?
I run an adult store and I would like to move my sites to Site5. Is this kind of content allowed on your servers?
What is the main difference between regular VPS and cloud VPS?
I am interested in getting a VPS, however I would like to know the difference between a regular VPS and cloud VPS
In what way(s) are the VPSs different from normal shared/reseller accounts?
How are VPSs different from normal shared/reseller accounts? I need to know so I can pick the best option for me.
Am I allowed to generate backups of my site so I can keep a copy?
Are we allowed to make our own backups of our sites so we can keep a copy off site?
I see that your site says that disk space and bandwidth are unlimited. What does that truly mean?
What does "unlimited" disk space and bandwidth mean at Site5?
Where can I see how your servers are running such as uptime and load stats so I know I’m not buying an account on overloaded servers?
Is it possible for me to see uptime of your servers so I know I’m not buying an account on overloaded servers?
What are your default PHP memory and upload size settings and can I change them if I need to?
I am working on a project and I need to know what the default php memory and upload size limits are. Where can I find this and how do I change it if needed?
Are you a LAMP server provider?
Is Site5 a Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP host?
Do your managed servers use Apache and MySQL?
With your managed servers, do they run Apache and MySQL?
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