Can I change my email quota after it’s created?
I just reached my email storage quota. Can I change it?
Can I migrate emails on my own?
Is it possible for me to migrate my own emails?
Do my email boxes count towards my disk space?
Does email disk space usage count towards my total account disk space usage?
How do I forward outgoing email?
I'd like to forward all outgoing email from a specific email address on my domain and copy it to another address on my domain. I can't use the Forwarders or Filters features, because those are only for...
Does Site5 support Outlook 2013?
I have office 2013 and I would like to know if that version of Outlook is supported
Can I reset my email password?
I forgot my email password. How do I reset it?
I just changed to an external email provider and now my website contact form is not working. Why?
I recently changed to an external email system and I noticed that our website contact form is not working. Why is this and how do I fix it?
Can I change the webmail logo?
Is it possible for me to brand the webmail logo so it fits my company?
Why was my account suspended for spamming?
I just saw that my account was suspended for "spamming" what does this mean?
What webmail software does Site5 have?
My clients need access to web mail, and I was wonder what web mail clients you have pre-installed?
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