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opcache not loaded on my server how to activate it ?

[2 Grey Star Level]


i have a message no opcache loaded for caching code on my cms. how i can activate it ? or APC for caching as an alternative.

Thanks in advance.

Answer #1

Hello Mohamed,

At this time, opcache is not available on our shared servers. Nor is APC caching an option. If this is absolutely required, an unmanaged VPS service would be the only way to achieve this.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

Is there a reason I can share with clients as to why opcache is not included with the standard server configuration. I’m fine with not having it if there is a justification I can articulate. We’ll probably continue to get this question because the Drupal 8 Status Report gives a warning if it opcache is not enabled.

Answers Answered By: sockeye [2 Grey Star Level]

Answer #3


The reason it is not enabled is that enabling it requires using php.ini to manage PHP usage at the account level, which is disabled. We use .user.ini, which will not allow for enabling opcache, meaning it would need to be done in the core php.ini file. This would enable it server-wide, which would cause a serious overuse in RAM and degradation of server performance.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #4

Oh Boy!
Those “unmanaged VPS servers” are the answer to everything.
Can they also bring peace to the world? or solve the famine problems in Africa?
How poor the world would had been without “unmanaged VPS servers”! Post their photos and we will light a candle to them whenever we have a problem! 🙂

Joking aside, jdavey is right.

In a shared hosting environment, I wouldn’t like my sites not been adequately served because all or most RAM has been reserved to be used as a cache by a few other sites.

However, shouldn’t a cache program be able to run in a managed VPS environment? Isn’t the RAM of managed VPS servers for the exclusive use by their account owners?
Is it just an omission, or is there something else?

Answers Answered By: swayinfo [16 Grey Star Level]

Answer #5


The managed VPS does have resources set aside for exclusive use, yes. However, they are functionally the same – in terms of what is available and what is not – as the shared servers. This is to maintain stability and familiarity for you, our support team, and our Systems Admin team.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

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