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Well it is actually better to use a subdomain because you can make use of the database once you get it all down.
Example: I have a customer and they want an updated site. So I create a subdomain with the new site and show the client once it is all setup. Then we can adjust the new site for what ever they request. Then I backup the old site “just in case” and push the subdomain site to the root of the old site making it the new.
Domain = The Root world wide web facing. This is the main site!
Subdomain = This is a domain that is on a directory all by itself with full scripting like the root domain.
Names is as follows Root = or etc.
the subdomain is or
Leo Jackson
Under Ruby and Phusion Passenger all I do is in the ssh.
At the prompt once the ln -s is set and say the name of the is greatapp then to restart the server. I type in [code]touch ~/greatapp/tmp/restart.txt[/code]
refresh the page and it is running. and if I do another update to the code I do it for every time I add code or change the links in the files or add pages etc.
Just curious, but I need more information? Is this about a wordpress theme?
If so please ask on the support forums.
If not a theme question very sorry, but I need more information please.
Hello why would you need dropbox on the site. If you need your clients to upload say images or text information for articles or similar to update the site etc.
You can use a cron to update images to a rotating or parsing of a text file to update a text string or article on a page. And you can use a watch dog or limiter program to keep the files to a size. and have a upload program to do this. To a directory that you make in ftp account to upload to as well. A lot of CMS systems have a file upload ability and you can set it by the a custom php.ini link here.
Also secure it with sftp or
example of added to php.ini:
memory_limit = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
file_uploads = On
You can also make a directory on public_html/company for instance
and then use a script to work with files or email you of uploaded file or what ever you need. Hint Cron job I use similar for this myself.
Hello eebee,
Well we can answer yes when you create a domain it has a check mark to enable front page extensions then they are on. I do see that in the knowledge area it says as follows that they were to be phased out link is here.
when I first created a domain and enabled it by accident it created all the correct directories. Yes they are there but not supported and it is possible that it will be removed soon.
Leo Jackson
In the root of you host package is mail folder. And that is usually where the mail is if you find the clients e-mail tar or zip it up. On the reseller account make a e-mail account for them and import it as zip or untar in ssh into the proper mail/clientname/clientmail.
On first start of the your the client can pick squirrel as default.
No sorry, but it will be available on unmanaged VPS.
Yes you get a temp address, but mine was active in less that 15 minutes. There is a free trial ( As soon as you get an account you will be e-mailed with IP, DNS, login, info.
If you are using Linux\GNU the ssh or slogin will work, but if you are using window program called putty it is a good program to use.