You can install NodeJS on a managed server manually, you just have to configure and build it yourself, it’s not a managed service.
SSH into your server, once in run the following commands:
First you have to update python
Download Python
Enter the following commands to download and extract Python 2.7 to your hosting account.
mkdir ~/python
cd ~/python
tar zxfv Python-2.7.2.tgz
find ~/python -type d | xargs chmod 0755
cd Python-2.7.2
Install Python
Once extracted you can use the following commands to configure and install Python.
./configure –prefix=$HOME/python
make install
Modify the .bashrc
For your local version of python to load you will need to add it to the .bashrc file.
nano ~/.bashrc
Press i
export PATH=$HOME/python/Python-2.7.2/:$PATH
Write the changes and close nano:
ctrl + o
ctrl + x
type: source ~/.bashrc
Note: You may need to logout for the environment to update.
Enter python -V to check the version of python installed.
It should say 2.7.2
Then install node following these instructions:
1. Create the directory to store the Node binaries
cd ~/
mkdir -m 755 node creates the folder used to store the Node.js binaries
2. Download & Compile Node.js
I like to keep all my Git downloads organized and the following tutorial is going to follow my convention on folder structures.
mkdir downloads
mkdir downloads/git
cd downloads/git
git clone
You want to use HTTP over GIT as Hostmonster / Bluehost have the Git socket blocked.
Because Hostmonster / Bluehost are shared server we need to specify where to have the Node.js binaries stored
cd node Bring us to the Node.js source files
./configure —prefix=$HOME/node
make && make install
3. Now we need to make the node command usable so do the following commands
cd ~/ puts us back at the root of our home folder
nano ~/.bashrc
4. Now add the following line to the bottom of the file, below where you added the python path
export PATH=$HOME/node/bin:$PATH
5. Save
ctrl + o
ctrl + x
6. Lets verify that everything is working. You will need to reload bash
source ~/.bashrc
7. Now verify that node is installed and running
node —version
You may need to logout of your shell session and back in for changes to take effect.