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Can I install Ghost CMS in Site5?

[2 Grey Star Level]

I would try Ghost CMS, it requires “Node.js, and requires version 0.10.* (latest stable version)”. Is there any Site5 service/profile/plan that meets this requirement?

Answer #1


I hope this reply finds you well!

Because Node.js is needed for Ghost CMS, you would need to look into our unmanaged VPS.

Node.js is not supported on our managed services because it requires a process to be running in the background.

For more information about our unmanaged VPS products, please see the following link…

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment here, or if you prefer, you can contact our support team directly by opening a ticket through Backstage.

Answers Answered By: joliver [476 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

You can install NodeJS on a managed server manually, you just have to configure and build it yourself, it’s not a managed service.

SSH into your server, once in run the following commands:

First you have to update python

Download Python

Enter the following commands to download and extract Python 2.7 to your hosting account.
mkdir ~/python

cd ~/python


tar zxfv Python-2.7.2.tgz

find ~/python -type d | xargs chmod 0755

cd Python-2.7.2

Install Python

Once extracted you can use the following commands to configure and install Python.

./configure –prefix=$HOME/python


make install

Modify the .bashrc

For your local version of python to load you will need to add it to the .bashrc file.
nano ~/.bashrc

Press i

export PATH=$HOME/python/Python-2.7.2/:$PATH

Write the changes and close nano:
ctrl + o
ctrl + x

type: source ~/.bashrc

Note: You may need to logout for the environment to update.
Enter python -V to check the version of python installed.

It should say 2.7.2

Then install node following these instructions:

1. Create the directory to store the Node binaries

cd ~/

mkdir -m 755 node creates the folder used to store the Node.js binaries

2. Download & Compile Node.js

I like to keep all my Git downloads organized and the following tutorial is going to follow my convention on folder structures.

mkdir downloads
mkdir downloads/git

cd downloads/git
git clone

You want to use HTTP over GIT as Hostmonster / Bluehost have the Git socket blocked.

Because Hostmonster / Bluehost are shared server we need to specify where to have the Node.js binaries stored

cd node Bring us to the Node.js source files

./configure —prefix=$HOME/node

make && make install

3. Now we need to make the node command usable so do the following commands

cd ~/ puts us back at the root of our home folder
nano ~/.bashrc

4. Now add the following line to the bottom of the file, below where you added the python path

export PATH=$HOME/node/bin:$PATH

5. Save

ctrl + o
ctrl + x

6. Lets verify that everything is working. You will need to reload bash

source ~/.bashrc

7. Now verify that node is installed and running

node —version

You may need to logout of your shell session and back in for changes to take effect.

Answers Answered By: richbai90 [2 Grey Star Level]

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