Ruby On Rails
Can I queue jobs up for later processing?
Can I use a gem like delayed_job to have long-running processed occur later? I was reading the docs, and it looks like I need to install the daemon gem. Wasn't sure if I could start a daemon process...
rails console production – no longer runs for more than afew min.
I have been a customer of for over 5 years. I have been developing ruby apps for 10 years. There are times when I need to login to my production system in the rails console. This is used...
Easiest way to deploy Ruby On Rails application
I have RoR application on my local machine. How do I deploy it on site5. I have already purchased site5 web hosting and I have domain name with me.
Is it possible to install Spinx search engine?
I have a rails 2.3.X version project configured with Spinx search engine. Is it possible to host it with site5? if so do you have any guidelines for implementation? Let me know if you have any suggestions...
Is it possible to install MongoDB on shared hosting? My programmer wants to use it for ROR. There is something from 2 years ago saying you need a service to use MongoDB. Couldn't find anything online...
Can I use Ruby 1.9.x on my VPS?
I would like to use Ruby 1.9 on my VPS. Can you help me make this happen?
Does Site5 migrate rails applications too?
Can Site5 move my rails application from my current host to my new account with you?
Does Site5 support Rails 3?
I would like to use Rails 3 for a project that I am working on. Does Site5 support Rails 3?
When can we expect a ruby upgrade?
When are you guys planing on upgrading to ruby 1.9.3? There was a blog post ( staying you were waiting till...
How do I deploy a Ruby on Rails site from my local machine to Site5?
I have developed a Ruby on Rails site on my local machine, but now I need to migrate it over to Site5. I have MySQL, RoR 3.07, and Passenger all setup and working on my machine running off of localhost. What...
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