I want to use SSH. If I access SSH in the Programming Centre in the Site Admin page I get a message saying that SSH for “your account should be activated by default”.
For further information the message directs me to the knowledge base. If I access the knowledge base I get a message saying that to use SSH I should activate SSH using the Control Panel.
So I’m a bit puzzled, is SSH activated by default or do I have to activate it using the control panel ?
Supposing I need to activate it using the Control Panel, how exactly do I do this ? I did a search for Control Panel and got no feed back.
And finally what host and login name should use for SSH ? Maybe the login name for the client area ? However using this the system tries to combine the user name to the server and I get :
[email protected]@site5.com
which is a bit strange and which obviously doesn’t work.
Please answer since I need test my perl scripts on your server,.
Thanks in advance.
Andrew Pindar
Answer #1
I’m just a regular user, but I can tell you what works for me:
slogin jimdscott.com -l jimdscot
Then I enter my password as prompted. Where jimdscott.com is the site Site5 hosts for me and jimscot is the username assigned to my primary account.