>Questions tagged with: backup
Cron job for backup
How can I setup a cron job that runs a complete backup?
How long can user generated backups stay on our server?
If I generate a backup via cPanel or SiteAdmin, how long will the backup file stay on my account?
Is mysql data included in the nightly backups site5 make?
My understanding from site5 help documents is that they make nightly backups and store these for around a month. But I wanted to clarify if these backups of the shared hosting include mysql data or...
WHM/cPanel Backups for Resellers and VPS accounts
In the Terms of Service, you've stated: "Site5 performs nightly backups of shared and reseller servers; however, these backups are for Site5's administrative purposes only, and are in NO WAY GUARANTEED!...
Can I export the contents of my MySQL database to a sql file?
Is it possible for me to do a MySQL dump to a sql file?
Can I use SiteAdmin tools to backup email accounts?
I need to backup several large IMAP email accounts before I start doing some housecleaning and deleting. What is the best way to backup these accounts? My backup plan is to POP3 the accounts and then...
Can I do automatic offsite backups to Amazon S3?
Hi everyone, I have just set-up a script which backs up my public_html folder and the database associated domain via a cron job. Since these backups are basically redundant if there was a server failure,...
Can I backup my innodb databases myself?
I need to make a backup of my database, and I wanted to make sure that innodb could be backed up.
Can I request a specific file to be restored?
I would like to restore just one file/folder from a few days ago. How can I do this?
How often are automatic backups done?
I'd like to know how Site5 handles automatic backups of websites. How often is it done? Are there limitations? What does a user need to do? Are there options available to users?
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