>Questions tagged with: MySQL
Accessing mySQL databases through Workbench
Hi, To speed up development I want to access all SQL databases on a domain we have running. Am I right in assuming its standard TCP/IP over SSH? I need the SSH Hostname and port.. And I assume...
Is PDO Available in Site5 mySQLi ?
I'm trying to install Processwire CMS and it requires PDO (pdo_mysql) for MySQL database. I've run phpinfo() and it appears to be unavailable. Can we enable PDO for mySQL or mySQLi on my account? If...
MySQL Workbench and Site5
Is there a way to connect MySQL workbench to MySQL databases on Site5. I tried using my host servername, database user and pwd but connection was refused. I guessed the server name was the same...
MySQL- Access denied !!
Hello Everybody, I can’t access to my mysql databases by external tools (Third Party Programs). Even after added the wildcard “%” I still can’t access my databases. Thank you in advance.
Is mysql data included in the nightly backups site5 make?
My understanding from site5 help documents is that they make nightly backups and store these for around a month. But I wanted to clarify if these backups of the shared hosting include mysql data or...
How do I access MySQL by external applications?
I have added my IP in the Remote MySQL, and I can access mysql databases. But my ip changes because I am in a DSL connection, when it happen I can't access again until change the ip in the Remote MySQL. My...
What host should I use for MySQL applications?
I am setting up a web app and it needs the MySQL host. What should I put?
How can I retrieve the password for my MySQL User?
I forgot my password for my MySQL user. Is there anyway I can get it back?
Does Site5 allow me to use MySQL databases?
I am working on a project that needs MySQL. Does Site5 offer this service?
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