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WordPress plugin Ninja Forms not sending email

[2 Grey Star Level]

I use the Ninja Forms plugin for the forms on my website .

Whenever someone fills out a form, I do not get an email sent to me at all. It doesn’t go to a junk or spam folder, it doesn’t go anywhere from what I can tell.

It does go into the database, as I can see the submission.

Has anyone had this happen to them? I’ve used Ninja Forms on another host and there was no issues at all.

Answer #1

I am sorry to hear that. Our support team should be able to take a look and see what is happening with the mail. Have you contacted them? If not, I would suggest doing so, as we are always happy to help.

Answers Answered By: jdavey [359 Blue Star Level]

Answer #2

I haven’t yet, but I probably will. I was posting the question here to see if anyone else has had that issue and if they found a solution.

Answers Answered By: joseph94 [2 Grey Star Level]

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