How do I access mySQL databases from Perl CGI scripts?
I have set up an html form which allows users to send comments regarding our web site. I want the perl CGI script which receives the comments to write them to a Mysql database table. How do I access a...
Is it possible to host a Shiny server on Site5?
Shiny Server is a program that makes R applications avaialable through browsers. I have been working on a few simple applications and wish to host it under my Site5 domain. So I wonder whether it is...
How do we manage expires and cache-control headers (and ETags)?
We are a developer/reseller using a VPS account with WHM and cPanel. How do we control/manage the Expires headers, Cache-Control headers and ETag headers on the sites we develop?
Can I run a Flash Media Interactive Server on a Site5 server?
I need to run a flash streaming site. Can I setup FMS on your server?
How do I install WordPress?
I am interested in blogging. How do I setup WordPress?
Can I suspend one of my own sites?
Is it possible for me to suspend one of my own sites?
What username/password should I use for SSH?
I would like to use SSH, but I am not sure what username and password I should use.
Why am I all of a sudden getting PHP errors?
I just started getting php errors on my site. Why?
How do I know what plan is best for me?
I am interested in hosting at Site5, but how do I know what plan I should pick?
How do I use FileZilla?
Where can I find info about how to use FileZilla?