I’m tired of Spam in Site5
How do I not receive spam in Joomla? All my clients are complaining that they are receiving spam, many of them with malicious links. This happens only in Site5, use Joomla since version 1.0 was...
email to my domain was bounced by spam filter
: host[] said: 550-"JunkMail rejected - []:46078 is 550 in an RBL, see Blocked - see"...
RBL Listing
I have a huge problem. I have 2 VPS servers on Site5. So I use them as a resseller. Well, sometimes my client has its email password hacked or stoled. And the hacker send thousands of authenticated SPAM....
Why was my account suspended for spamming?
I just saw that my account was suspended for "spamming" what does this mean?
How do I access the SpamBox?
I just recently turned on SpamAssassin for my email accounts and enabled SpamBox. The system says "SpamBox will deliver any emails identified as spam by SpamAssassin into a separate mail folder named "spam"....
How do we add more than 5 emails to the spamassassin blacklist?
The Site5 control panel for email has a list of fields for blacklisting up to five email addresses. How can we expand the blacklist?
How do I white list domains for receiving e-mail?
I want to white list an entire domain name for e-mail. I notice one of the filter options is to 'redirect to e-mail' is this the correct selection?
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