SSH / Shell
Am I able to install or upgrade software through shell access?
I prefer to use ZSH and Vim for editing and server management. It seems like Site5's versions of both tools are a fairly long way out of date. Is it possible for me to upgrade them?
Does Site5 allow SSH access?
Do I have access to SSH for my account?
What username/password should I use for SSH?
I would like to use SSH, but I am not sure what username and password I should use.
Is there a secure way to verify the SSH fingerprint of the Site-5 server that I’m trying to access?
SSH is not like SSL, for which there is a PKI and CA hierarchy to verify and revoke keys. When we try to access the Site5 servers through SSH for the first time, we are asked to confirm the identity of...
How do I make vim plugins work?
I uploaded my .vimrc file and my .vim directory from my linuxbox at home. I had hoped that I would then have nerdTree and color coding, etc working. However, almost none of my customizations work.
Do I have to use a jailed shell, or can I use bash?
What is the default SSH type? Is it jailed or bash?
How do I connect to my server over SSH using Linux?
I would like to connect to SSH using my linux workstation. What is the best way for me to do this?
How to access SSH?
I want to use SSH. If I access SSH in the Programming Centre in the Site Admin page I get a message saying that SSH for "your account should be activated by default". For further information the message...
Use single ssh account for access to client account?
I would like to set up a client support system where I can use the same ssh identity to connect to all of my clients' accounts. I tried using my ssh identity that I use to connect to the main reseller...
Can you help with a SSH issue?
So I was reading the Site5 Knowledge Base article about SSH, and I created the keys (no problem there). Then it says 'First, login to your account via SSH as you normally would (replace the user and hostname...
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