Reseller Hosting
Can a Reseller Premier be further upgraded?
Can a Reseller Premier account be upgraded with more Diskspace and Bandwidth (with an additional charge per GB)?
Pre-sale questions about cpanel migration
I have read your KB article on cpanel account migration. Some questions remain for me: 1. If the first account migrated is the reseller account and so designated, do I also need to file separate requests...
How do I link from my frontpage to the signup form for new customers?
I am having brain gas trying to figure out how to set up my frontpage with the necessary links for new customers to order my services (hosting, domain and SSL reseller). I have ExecClient and OpenSRS...
Where can I find the updates for my ClientExec?
I see that there is a new version of ClientExec. Where do I find the update files?
How many IP’s do I get with my reseller account?
I am interested in ordering a reseller account, but I was wondering how many IPs I get?
If I re-install Blesta/ClientExec, do I need a new license?
I need to re-install my Blesta/ClientExec and I wanted to know if I need a new license.
As a reseller, do I have access to the skeleton directory?
I am setting up a reseller plan and I want to change the default files that accounts have when they get created. Do I have access to the skeleton directory so I can make this work?
If I downgrade or upgrade my reseller account, does my username change?
I need to upgrade my account however I don't want to have to worry about my username changing. Is this something that could happen?
Can I order extra Blesta licenses?
Do you offer the ability to get an extra Blesta licenses?
Can I keep my Blesta license from Site5 if I no longer use Site5’s servers?
I still have my Blesta license from when I was hosting at Site5. Can I use it somewhere else?
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