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>Questions tagged with: dns

Is it possible to keep my DNS Server (just make changes in its records)?

Hi In order to have a WordPress installation in Site5, can we keep our DNS Server (in Amazon) and just make changes there to point our domain to our Site5 installation? Moreover, we don't want to...

Answers 1 Answer In: DNS By: [2 Grey Star Level] Oct 9, 2015

adding domain to squarespace site?

I'm having trouble using my domain with my squarespace site. I'm totally new to this so excuse me if my ignorance shows. I added the primary and secondary DNS links to my site5 domain info as per squarespace's...

Answers 1 Answer In: Addon Domains By: [2 Grey Star Level] Sep 30, 2015

Is DKIM / SPF / DMARC supported?

I've seen Q&A's from 2013/2014 saying that DKIM support was coming with the new DNS system but I haven't seen anything new about that yet.

Answers 1 Answer In: Email By: [3 Grey Star Level] Jul 23, 2015

MultiAdmin and SRV records

I have a hosting package with MultiAdmin If i'm not mistaken, i remembered that in the past it was possible to add SRV records. Now you have to send a request to add those. QUESTION: Why has this...

Answers 1 Answer In: MultiAdmin By: [2 Grey Star Level] Jul 15, 2015

Can Site5 DNS support SRV records for Office 365?

Microsoft Office 365 requires some SRV records to be configured in DNS. I can't find SRV options in the advanced DNS configuration area. Is this possible or not?

Answers 6 Answers In: DNS By: [2 Grey Star Level] May 4, 2015

Third Party DNS – how to set MX record

I have a separate DNS, I have my website hosted somewhere else and updated my 'A Record' to their IP address and it works. However I still want to use site5 for my email hosting. What do I need to...

Answers 1 Answer In: Custom Nameservers By: [4 Grey Star Level] Feb 15, 2015

How do I move a site registered elsewhere to site5

Hi, I have a domain purchased elsewhere and I would like to keep the registration there. So I just changed the DNS for that domain ( and Now I guess I have to register...

Answers 2 Answers In: DNS By: [3 Grey Star Level] Oct 21, 2014

addon domain wordpress staging server

I have a wordpress site based at site5. I would like to create a staging server where I could try out scripts and plugins before going live. I have a few questions 1) I believe the addon domain is...

Answers 4 Answers In: Advanced By: [2 Grey Star Level] Aug 21, 2014

Subdomain hosted here but domain hosted elsewhere

First, I apologize if this is a rookie question, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the best way to do this: I have a custom CMS hosted on Enjin at I also have the hostPro plan...

Answers 1 Answer In: Subdomains By: [2 Grey Star Level] Jan 27, 2014

How do I access MySQL by external applications?

I have added my IP in the Remote MySQL, and I can access mysql databases. But my ip changes because I am in a DSL connection, when it happen I can't access again until change the ip in the Remote MySQL. My...

Answers 3 Answers In: MySQL By: [3 Grey Star Level] Apr 22, 2013

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